Relative Link in

  • HelpfulHolidays
    Asked on February 16, 2016 at 5:36 AM


    In my implementation of Jot form I have made a system where I use PHP file_get_contents() on your iframe, then I create a new Iframe on the website,

    This allows me to inject dynamic select options and pre fill parts of the form etc.

    I have an issue with this line:

    {var self=this;this.loadScript('/js/form.edit.mode.js?v_'+(new Date()).getTime(),function(){self.editMode=editModeFunction;self.editMode(data,noreset,skipField);}

    It causing a JS error and will not fire the events because the link has become relative to my Iframe.

    i.e https://
    www.mywebsite/js/form.edit.mode.js not

    My question is - is there a quick way to force this link to point to maybe I could ass some variable to the page?

    How is this achieved in the Source Code version when I publish a form?



  • mert JotForm UI Developer
    Replied on February 16, 2016 at 9:19 AM

    Hi there,

    As far as I understand your post, maybe you should change the URL of the form while you are using the "file_get_contents()" PHP function. Please, type the your form's current URL between the functions brackets.

    For example:



    print file_get_contents("http://url/of/the/form");



    Because the line you picked from the has nothing to do with your iframe. I hope this information will work for you.



  • HelpfulHolidays
    Replied on February 16, 2016 at 9:45 AM


    the forms url would be 





    Then when displayed on my site the url is something like,

    Which breaks the call to /form.edit.mode.js because that was designed to be relative to and not if you see what i mean.


    Relative Link in https://cdn Screenshot 20




  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on February 16, 2016 at 1:21 PM

    Would you mind sharing a link to your page?  The URL should not be changing from


    Is there something in your script causing the change?

  • HelpfulHolidays
    Replied on February 17, 2016 at 5:44 AM




    The link is not actually a link to its a link to /js/form.edit.mode.js (its relative not absolute)


    So if you think about it when I'm viewing the YOUR iframe the link points to and when I'm viewing MY iframe its pointing to my website address because the links is relative to the owner / address of the iframe.


    Don't worry to much about it now, I have actually solved the issue and can once again do every thing I need to do.





  • mert JotForm UI Developer
    Replied on February 17, 2016 at 7:48 AM

    I'm glad to see that you have found a solution about your problem and also, on behalf of my colleague you are kindly welcome. If you need any further assistance, please always feel free to contact us.

