How to add a HTML title attribute to rows or cells inside a Matrix field

  • rhenusnetwork
    Asked on March 9, 2016 at 5:00 AM


    could you please explain how to prepare the HTML's title attribute?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Boris
    Replied on March 9, 2016 at 5:12 AM

    First, you will need to get the form's full source code:

    When you get the source code of the form, you can simply insert an attribute such as this:

    title="My custom text goes here."

    You would insert it between <td and its > of each table cell you want to have its own title upon mouse hover. So if the table cell's source code was this:

    <td align="center" class="form-matrix-values">
        <input id="input_9_0_1" type="number" class="form-number-input form-dropdown" name="q9_pleaseIndicate9[0][]" style="width:60px" size="5" />

    We would change it to this:

    <td align="center" class="form-matrix-values" title="My custom text goes here.">
        <input id="input_9_0_1" type="number" class="form-number-input form-dropdown" name="q9_pleaseIndicate9[0][]" style="width:60px" size="5" />

    This will result in the that particular table cell displaying "My custom text goes here." in a tooltip upon mouseover. Please let us know if you need further assistance, we are here to help.