"Reply To" header is being sent with wrong values

  • StudioBe
    Asked on April 4, 2016 at 11:32 AM

    Hey Support! I have a pretty major issue with my "reply to" setting in this form: https://form.jotform.com/33636880527967

    We use this form to communicate with our staff when a client is unhappy with their service. I've checked and recheck the setting but the "reply to" field is not working at all. Instead, when you go to reply to the submission email, it generates the clients email in the "reply to" field. I am sure you can imagine, we've had a few embarrassing email exchanges with clients here. How do I fix this? Thanks!

  • StudioBe
    Replied on April 4, 2016 at 11:45 AM

    Update: This is happening even when the clients email (field) is not included in the submission email. If it is put into the form, its generates as the "reply to" email. BIG PROBLEM guys. Let's get this fixed asap!

  • Ben
    Replied on April 4, 2016 at 1:49 PM

    I took a look at your form, but I see that there are 13 different email templates. All of them are also combined with conditions. Now since there is no client email on the form, I would like to check with you which of the templates do actually have this issue?

    This will allow us to better understand the issue and what should be different.

    In general, if you do not want any reply to value to be present, you could simply clear out the same value in the email template and save the form. Which would also stop sending you the reply-to header and just the To and From header instead (classic email headers).

  • StudioBe
    Replied on April 4, 2016 at 1:59 PM

    Thank you for the reply Ben. I went ahead and deleted the client email field and added a hidden field with the reply to email address we need to use. This was a band-aid but it seems to be working. I was just wondering how the submission email was grabbing a field and using it as the "reply to". Even when I removed the field, it was grabbing another email address out of the email to use. Never seen anything like this. It's fixed for now but I am worried that if I add the field back in, this will happen again. Thanks again.

  • Ben
    Replied on April 4, 2016 at 4:27 PM

    The reply to might be set to the field of the person that had filled out the form in the form notifier, allowing you to change it, it should however be empty by default. The same applies to autoresponder templates - they reply to field should be empty.

    Unfortunately without seeing the field itself and the email template that had this issue setup, it is not possible to exactly know what happened, but if you create an email template and clear out the reply-to field (so that it is completely empty - not "none" or other value, then everything should be OK.

    Hope this helps and of course, do let us know if by some chance you start experiencing the same issue again.