How can i get answer from api for checkboxes, Matrix, etc ? I have gathered answer for textbox, radio button.

  • mihir
    Asked on April 6, 2016 at 12:33 AM

    I have problem when i am sending multiple answer for a question through API. Suppose i have sent answer for check box which can have two selected answers.So when i am sending answer to API it only takes single answer.

    So please guide us to send check box, Matrix type of answer through API.



    Mihir Kumar


  • Boris
    Replied on April 6, 2016 at 3:46 AM

    It is best to direct API related questions directly to our API team over the following email address, since they are the ones most familiar with how to best utilize our APIs:

    From what I understand in your post, you are looking to create/add new submissions through the API. Please take a look at our API documentation, specifically the section for adding a new submission:

    When it comes specifically to how to provide details to fields that allow multiple fields to be selected or entered, such as a Full Name field or a Matrix, you can use entries such as this:

    curl -X POST -d "submission[1]=answer of Question 1" -d "submission[2_first]=First Name" -d "submission[2_last]=Last Name" -d "submission[3_0_1]=First row, second column of the matrix" -d "submission[3_1_4]=Second row, fifth column of the matrix" "{formID}/submissions?apiKey={apiKey}"

    Please try it out, and if you need further assistance with correct way to use our API, please contact our API team over the above provided email. They will be able to best handle such queries. Thank you.