Can I receive 3500+ submission

    Asked on April 20, 2016 at 12:50 PM

    We want to send a questionnaire to our membership; will JotForm have any issues processing 3500+ responses?  Are their recommended maximums for the number of questions (i.e. columns) or responses (i.e. rows)?



    Mike Fleuette


  • victor
    Replied on April 20, 2016 at 3:46 PM

    Can you please indicate if this submissions will be received in a couple of hours or days? Jotform will not have any problems receiving large amounts of submissions. As long as your current plan does not reach the limit per month, it should be fine.

    I noticed that you have an ECONOMIC plan, which allows 10,000 submission per month. Currently you received only 37, so this will not be an issue.

    If you are planing to receive this in a short time, you might have an issue with notification. We have a strict policy on how user use our application to send spam emails to other users. For this case we limited the amount of notification to be sent out per hour.

    We only allow 1000 notification to be sent out per month for paid users, like yourself. Please keep in mind.