Forward data from one form to another form embedded to a webpage

  • browningreagle
    Asked on June 15, 2016 at 1:16 PM

    I was able to figure out how to get the data from one form to transfer to the second form upon submission, but I was hoping to get a little clarification about sending to the second form which is posted in a webpage.

    I've got no difficulties having the Thank You page redirect to a URL and populating the fields I want, but I want to redirect the the page on my website where the second form is posted and have the fields populated there.  Is there a way to accomplish this?

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on June 15, 2016 at 1:18 PM

    Yes you still can. The only difference is you will use the website URL instead of the form URL to pass the data between the forms.


    If the using the form URL have this format[first]={fullName:first}&fullName1[last]={fullName:last}&email2={email}&textBox8={textBox}&textArea7={textArea}&dropDown4={dropDown}&radioButton5={radioButton}&checkBox6={checkBox:0},{checkBox:1},{checkBox:2}


    using the website URL will have this format[first]={fullName:first}&fullName1[last]={fullName:last}&email2={email}&textBox8={textBox}&textArea7={textArea}&dropDown4={dropDown}&radioButton5={radioButton}&checkBox6={checkBox:0},{checkBox:1},{checkBox:2}

    Hope this help. Let us know if you need further assistance.

  • browningreagle
    Replied on June 15, 2016 at 3:24 PM

    I just tried doing it, and it didn't work.  I'm positive I followed the format correctly, but perhaps the fact I have a Collapse Bar is interfering?

    This is what I've got:{company}&contactName[first]={contactName:first}&contactName[last]={contactName:last}&businessAddress[addr_line1]={businessAddress:addr_line1}&businessAddress[addr_line2]={businessAddress:addr_line2}&businessAddress[city]={businessAddress:city}&businessAddress[state]={businessAddress:state}&businessAddress[postal]={businessAddress:postal}&phoneNumber5[area]={phoneNumber3:area}&phoneNumber5[phone]={phoneNumber3:phone}&email6={email4}&website={website}&Of={Of}&yearsIn={yearsIn}&tradeindustry={tradeindustry}&entity={entity}&desiredEffective={desiredEffective}

    It's supposed to go from to this form: on the above webpage. 

    My only other thought is that it might be the #fleetquote interfering. I put that there to let users immediately go to the location of the form on that page.  In the two tests I've done, it simply loaded the page the next form is on, as if I only typed in without jumping down to the form.

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on June 15, 2016 at 4:28 PM

    I believe the added jump is what is causing the issue.  If you try from this URL, the form will no populate:[first]=test2

    However, from this URL, it works correctly:[first]=test2

    Try the redirect without the #fleetquote and it should work properly.

  • browningreagle
    Replied on June 15, 2016 at 4:37 PM

    Thanks David!  Thought that might have been the issue.  Since I've got my form at the bottom of the page, instead of using a custom URL to redirect, could I put the hyperlink on the Thank You page?  That way I can remind them to scroll down to find the pre-filled form.

    Thanks again!

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on June 15, 2016 at 6:15 PM

    A hyper link on the thank you page should work the same way the link does as the thank you page URL.  Since the thank you page can pull form data from the form ID's in the same manner, you can construct the URL the same way.