Not able to place order using Order form due to temporary high volume error message

  • commercialkings
    Asked on June 22, 2016 at 6:15 PM

    My clients just recently started emailing me, to let me know when they are trying to place an order (using our jotform order form) they get a message that says something like  "temporarily experiencing high volume orders". I have been unable to duplicate the message when testing the order form, but 3 clients have emailed me about this. I would like to know how this can be fixed. Thanks

  • jonathan
    Replied on June 22, 2016 at 10:24 PM

    I test submitted the embedded form  on your website, but I also could not produce the error.

    Here is the video when I test.

    Not able to place order using Order form due to temporary high volume error message Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Since I could not see the problem yet, I could not come up with a resolution on our end to resolve it.

    But what I think you can also try is to check on your website if there is issue accessing your website page. Perhaps the users that reported the problem have network issue on their end as well.

    Hope this help. Do let us know at once if the issue becomes persistence.
