Unable to select fields when creating a condition

  • bibliograph
    Asked on August 21, 2016 at 6:50 AM

    first, I wanna say your site looks great and is friendly to use. thank you for giving a free use of it.

    I am not a programmer... and I dont know html or css. 

    I tried to build a more complicated form using jotform but working with the multiple conditions  is quiet difficult for me. 

    1. the display of the condition vary: sometimes a radio button will allow conditioning and another time it just wont give that option, it is disabled. why? 


    when I try to orgenize the conditions from the main condition option (not from within a specific field) the order of the conditions change  in a  manner that I couldnt follow, thus causing me to delete needed fields thinking it may be double. why doesn't it just stay in place? maybe it could be orgenized by pages and than by fieldns for a better view of the conditions?


    your support in ltr languages requiers css knowledge which is not basic. I tried to follow the forums threads but could not find how to ltr all fields. 


    your css editor sometimes will show a fields css and sometime the whole script and I couldnt figure out how to switch between them. 

    with respect,

    Noam Raanan


  • Jan
    Replied on August 21, 2016 at 9:52 AM

    Thank you for your compliments. We appreciate your feedback.

    1. The display of the condition vary: sometimes a radio button will allow conditioning and another time it just wont give that option, it is disabled. why? 

    The radio button should be available in the options when you're creating a condition. Here's an example:

    Unable to select fields when creating a condition Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Please take note that the static texts, page breaks, and images cannot be used for conditions. This items will be grayed out in the drop down options. The options highlighted in red can be used for condition.

    Unable to select fields when creating a condition Image 2 Screenshot 41


    Hope that helps. Let us know if you need further help. Thank you.


  • Jan
    Replied on August 21, 2016 at 9:53 AM

    I need to create a separate threads for your other issues. Here are the thread URLs:

    2. Organizing the conditions: https://www.jotform.com/answers/911839

    3. Support in LTR language: https://www.jotform.com/answers/911843

    4. CSS editor not working properly: https://www.jotform.com/answers/911844

    Thank you.