Can you implement a submission search which will reveal the forms with the results rather than searching submissions per form?

  • lhadfield
    Asked on August 31, 2016 at 5:23 PM

    Hello, I love these forms and would like to continue using them but now that I am building the number of each form it is becoming very cumbersome to search for a certain person's signed document (there may be as many as 10-15 individual forms for each applicant).  We are a temp agency and each employee (temp) that we hire needs to have certain forms on file including tests, signatures, etc.  I would like to be able to just go to "John Doe's" name and see the list of forms he has completed and also the list of forms he is still missing.  This would help tremendously and would allow me to see at a glance what is still needed in order to hire this person.  Ideally I would like the applicant to be able to look at the same list as me.  Is this something that is possible or am I trying to fit a square peg into a round hole here?

    Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!!


  • liyam
    Replied on August 31, 2016 at 8:50 PM

    Hello Lee,

    Currently, there is no option to make that kind of search method within JotForm's form builder. But If you are receiving email notifications in one email address for all your forms, there is probability to make it happen, such as searching for emails using the search bar that of a gmail account.

    But, I believe this is a good feature to implement. So I will forward this request to the development team. However, I cannot guarantee that the implementation of this feature can be approved or to when can it be done. But as soon as an app or a feature in the builder is implemented, we'll inform you right away.

    Thanks and warm regards.