Form results to Google Spreadsheet

  • ryderjj89
    Asked on September 11, 2016 at 5:34 PM

    I have filled out my form and I am not seeing the results show up on the Spreadsheet I set up through Integrations.

  • jonathan
    Replied on September 11, 2016 at 6:32 PM

    I checked your form but I see it was not integrated to Google spreadsheet at this time.

    Form results to Google Spreadsheet Image 1 Screenshot 20

    This is the reason submissions were not going to your google spreadsheet account.

    It was rather integrated to Google Drive which is another type of integration.

    Please try first integrating the form to Google spreadsheet. Follow this user guide: 



    Let us know if this still did not resolve the issue.




  • ryderjj89
    Replied on September 11, 2016 at 7:49 PM

    I had it integrated with a spreadsheet until it just never populated any results until AFTER I removed the integration then did it again. So, until I know why that is happening, I have to use Google Drive to upload PDFs of the results.

    At the time of my posting, spreadsheet integration had been removed and re-added multiple times and the only time I saw entries was when I removed it and did it again. Then I would see my own entries like 4 times.

  • liyam
    Replied on September 11, 2016 at 10:04 PM


    Sometimes it takes a few minutes before the submission gets synced to your integration. Removing and reintegrating on the other hand instantly syncs data to your spreadsheet. This is because there's a different process with running the first integration compared to an existing integration waiting for updates on submissions.


  • ryderjj89
    Replied on September 11, 2016 at 10:08 PM

    Hmm okay. So it takes a few minutes for it to receive new entries...makes sense I guess. I thought it might be some thing that is used to prevent a bunch of sync'ing all the time. Just sync every few minutes. I guess I will try it again and keep an eye on it.