Is it possible now to change the hint text in the asmSelect widget? I want lo change that "Please Select" for something else. Cheers

  • forusretail
    Asked on September 27, 2016 at 5:46 PM

    Is it possible now to change the hint text in the asmSelect widget? I want lo change that "Please Select" for something else.


  • jonathan
    Replied on September 27, 2016 at 9:53 PM

    Currently it is not possible to change the pre-selected or hint text in the asmSelect widget.

    Is it possible now to change the hint text in the asmSelect widget? I want lo change that Please Select for something else.
Cheers Image-1

    There is no option to do so. 

    The most you can do is to just change the label text if you want to provide additional instruction/hint for the user.

    Let us know if there is more we can help you with.
