Users having problems submitting forms

  • John Dotson
    Asked on October 18, 2016 at 5:58 PM

    I have heard several of my users indicate that they are having problems reliably submitting forms. sometimes 3-4-5 attempts and eventually it goes, but they get "502 bad gateway" or "request timed out" or other server-side errors.


    very frustrating!


  • jonathan
    Replied on October 18, 2016 at 8:28 PM

    Hi John,

    I test submitted your form but I could not reproduce the issue at this time. The form immediately submitted on my 1st attempt.

    See video below

    Users having problems submitting forms Image 1 Screenshot 20


    It may be a network issue on the side of the user or Jotform have issue. But we do not have any reported downtime on our end. so I am not really sure if its on our end.

    Can you please confirm if you are still experiencing the issue at this time? Please let us know.

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


  • jdotsonmyrgroupcom
    Replied on October 19, 2016 at 7:04 PM

    I recommend better tools at Jotform's end to detect availability problems.

    If the web servers hosting forms at Jotform are having anything in the "500" series of HTTP response codes, it is definitely server side, and yes, I was getting 502 errors from the jotform server. No, it is not recurrent at this time.

    But if these don't appear at the very moment you test them, then the problem is at my end? No. I don't think so.

    Whatever tools jotform is using that indicate that you have "no reported downtime" aren't doing a good job of it.

    I can't have my users saying they can't get to a form I need them to complete. I understand this is a very inexpensive tool, but there's lots of alternatives and I will go elsewhere for my next campaign if this isn't resolved. Yes, I'd pay more for better reliability.

  • jonathan
    Replied on October 19, 2016 at 9:08 PM

    Thank you for updating us on the status and letting us know the issue no longer occur at this time.

    I apologize for the confusion about the 'downtime' thing.

    What I meant was, during the time I test your form to try reproduce the issue, I checked our service status also for availability but I did not see any report of the service being down the past 12/8/4 hrs period. 

    The thing is, I can only start reporting issue either on our end or on the user side once I can reproduce the problem. If I cannot see the problem or reproduce it first, I cannot report the problem to the back-end team because they will not be able to check or fix what exactly is it that needs fixing. If we are able to reproduce or clearly see the issue we do report it once so that it can also be resolved the soonest possible time.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

    Don't hesitate to contact us again anytime should you require our assistance on JotForm