Can I auto fill the "to" block in the GPS Widget

  • NoisyBeach
    Asked on November 6, 2016 at 8:15 AM

    Auto filling the TO block in the GPS widget in css, do we have a code to accomplish that?

    Jotform Thread 983236 Screenshot
  • KadeJM
    Replied on November 6, 2016 at 1:44 PM

    If I understand you correctly it seems to me that you want to basically prefill the gps widget with a destination address so that all the user has to do is enter the starting point from their location.

    That's actually an interesting idea.

    I've done some testing of this to see if I can figure out some sort of workaround for the time being but since this is a widget and it doesn't really have that option it seems that it might not be currently possible but, I'll look into this some more and if we have any other ideas to work for it we'll definitely let you know in another update.

    Additionally, I believe this is actually an important idea you have here to be able to set those destinations at will if you wish even if just one or the other as that would be very handy so I am passing this along to our widget developers for a feature improvement on your behalf and if it's added then we'll let you know about that here as well.

  • NoisyBeach
    Replied on November 6, 2016 at 5:05 PM

    Thanks Kade, many of my clients are pleased with your gig, much better than Adobe...