Free Online Forms for Schools

Digitize your school’s forms with Jotform. Create and manage online forms and surveys, and collect responses from any device. Plus, get 50% off all Jotform paid plans for more forms, submissions, and storage!


4,000+ School Form Templates

Save time building online forms for your school with our ready-to-use templates. Without any coding, you can customize our registration forms, consent forms, homework forms, feedback surveys, and more.

Class Registration Form

Template 21102658478455
Template 21102658478455

Field Trip Consent Form

Template 91110756695158
Template 91110756695158

نموذج التسجيل المدرسي

Template 50218433754958
Template 50218433754958


Build Forms for Your School

Create Digital Classrooms

Bring your school online and simplify workflows for teachers and students alike. Build easy-to-use school forms to digitize student records, assignments, and more.

Get More for Less

To thank you for educating the next generation, we offer schools a 50% discount on all Jotform plans. Enjoy more forms, submissions, and storage space at half the price!

Collect Responses Fast

Students and parents can easily fill out your school forms online from any device. Assign forms and send email reminders to make sure you get responses.


ماذا يقول مستخدمونا عن Jotform

Jotform أداة مريحة بشكل مذهل لفرق تصميم الويب. يدعم Jotform أهداف عملائنا ببراعة. عمليات التكامل توفر لنا الكثير من الوقت. يمكننا تخصيص النموذج على النحو الذي نراه مناسبًا. نحن قادرون أيضًا على تخصيص إشعارات البريد الإلكتروني باستخدام كود HTML. لقد جربنا موفري النماذج الآخرين على مر السنين ولكنهم لا يقارنون لأن Jotform تتقدم باستمرار. ثابروا على العمل الجيد!

Andrew Jones, مصمم الويب, UpEngine