Adding a Contact Form to Your Cargo Site

June 14, 2024

Cargo is a web platform that enables its users to quickly publish a wide variety of visual content.

One of Cargo’s features allows you to edit the source codes of your site’s template, and you can use this feature to embed your Jotform form on any page of the website. Let’s start!

Getting the Embed Code for Cargo

  1. In the Form Builder, go to the Publish tab.
  2. Click Platforms from the options on the left.
  3. Search and click Cargo.
  1. Click the Copy Code button to copy your form’s embed codes.

You are now ready to embed the form.

Adding Form to Cargo

  1. Log in to your Cargo website, and click the Content tab.
  2. If you have an existing page to embed the form, click it from the list. Otherwise, click the Plus (+) icon at the bottom of the Content tab to add a new one.
  1. Assuming you’ve created or clicked the page, it will redirect you to the editor. Next, you have to view the source editor by clicking the Code View option.
  2. Paste your form’s embed codes in the code editor.
  3. Click the OK button.
  1. At this step, you should see the form displayed on the page. Click the Save button at the bottom-right of the page to save your changes.

Here’s an example of a Cargo site from a Jotform fan:

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