How to avoid duplicate submissions

  • facturamelo
    Asked on December 14, 2016 at 1:35 AM

    recibo formularios duplicados al parecer los formulario se repiten cuando el usuario vuelve atras en su navegador.

    Hay forma de evitar esto?

    Ya intentamos agregar un captcha pero el problema continua.

  • omerorkun JotForm Data Scientist
    Replied on December 14, 2016 at 1:46 AM


    There are several ways to avoid duplicate submissions and yes, using a captcha is one of them. Please let me introduce you other ways:

    1. Setting unique submissions: You can make the form check the cookies and/or IP of a user before submitting the form. This will prevent the form to be submitted more than once if a cookie is already set or if the IP had already submitted the form. Please see how you can do it on this guide(this is where you are coming from actually, but I just wanted to point this out again):

    2. Setting form limits based on a unique question: You can set one of your fields to be unique in your submissions. This means when a same entry is filled on that specific field the form prevents itself from being submitted. Please see how you can configure this:

    These options should resolve your issue. 

    Please contact us again if you need any further assistance.