How to make the column headers in Google Spreadsheet different from the field labels showing in the form?

    Asked on January 20, 2017 at 11:30 AM

    There is conflicting information in the forums about the ability to create a label specifically for reporting when you build your questions.  Right now, the full body of the text is showing up when I download the report, which makes it very messy and requires customization of the headers every time I pull a report.  It look like at one time their was a field to designate a label for each question, but for the life of me I can't find the settings option for that or to customize question layout other than position.  Help please. 

  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on January 20, 2017 at 12:51 PM

    You're able to further customize your PDF layout as you want, besides the ability to move the fields you can also format them as you need and even add your custom text, text that is not present in the form. 

    On the top toolbar you will find the options to add fields, images, custom text and all this to your PDF report. 

    How to make the column headers in Google Spreadsheet different from the field labels showing in the form? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    If you would like to change the field labels then you would need to change them in the form as ell, for example, if you would like to change the "Speaker Email" label you would need to change it in the form directly in the field. 

    Hope this helps. 

    Replied on February 1, 2017 at 3:06 PM

    This example is for just modifying a PDF report.  I am dealing with the excel database created from all of the data.

    For example a survey question is? " Would you like a sleeping room for the night of October 12."  The entire questions plugs in as the column header in excel.  I would like the header to be something short like "room".  Is there an option for report label vs. actual survey label?   If not, there really needs to be!

  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on February 1, 2017 at 3:49 PM

    Thank you for clarifying your concern.

    There may be a workaround that would require you to change the labels from the form to the one that you would like to appear in the spreadsheet report. Then, hide those labels on the form and inject the labels that you would like to show on the form using CSS codes.

    Please check this form:

    Clone the form to your account and integrate it with Google Spreadsheet. 

    After that, make a test submission and notice that the field labels in the form are different from the spreadsheet's column headers.


    You can also check the CSS codes I've injected in the form above.