Several clients have lost hours of work even with auto-enable on.

  • katyslimmon
    Asked on July 26, 2017 at 12:54 PM

    We are a non-profit organization with a paid subscription and many of our clients have lost hours of work while filling out a form that has Continue Forms Later Enabled and multiple page breaks.


    All three clients had an error when on the last page they went to sign the form with the Smooth Signature widget. Clients are using the same browser and when they try to retrieve lost work, the form is empty. 


    I need to recover the work that my clients have completed. Please help with this issue- it seems to be a re-occurring issue of ours. 


  • John_Benson
    Replied on July 26, 2017 at 2:55 PM

    Sorry to hear that. 

    If the Continue Forms Later feature is enabled then your users won't lose any single data if they accidentally close or reload their browser while filling the form.

    May I ask if the users were able to click the Submit button when the error occurred? Could you please provide the error that the users encounter? You can also provide a screenshot so we can investigate it further. To add a screenshot in the Support Forum, please follow this guide:

    I recommend you to use the session method. Here's a guide: