What is the diference between "Available Space" and "Total Submission Storage"?

  • JFuserRT
    Asked on November 2, 2017 at 3:13 PM


    I don't get why if there a "Unlimited Submission Storage", then up in the plan list for the bronze plan, says that has a 10GB available space...

    Please, can you explain me the diference please?


    Replied on November 2, 2017 at 3:44 PM

    Thank you for contacting us. To clarify on the difference between "Submission Storage" and "Upload Space/Available Space".

    Submission Storage is the number of form submissions that your package is limited to. This is the number of submissions users have made to your form. For instance if your form has a limit of 100 submission then if 100 users fill the form and submit the form then you will have 100 submissions in your account. To accept the new submissions the oldest submissions will be removed to give way for new submission. Kindly note that this limit is reset on the 1st of Every month.

    Upload Space on the other hand is the available space that you can use to store things like images that can be part of your form. For instance if you have a form that allows users to upload images of lets say logo designs they want you to design for them, these images will be stored in your account. The space used to store these images is the Upload space. Kindly note that the Upload Space does not reset on the 1st day of every month. to release some space you will need to download some files to free up space.

    Below is a guide on more information about your form limits: https://www.jotform.com/help/408-Understanding-Your-Account-Usage-and-Limits