Can I subscribe to a plan for only one month?

  • hajvalsa
    Asked on January 5, 2018 at 2:56 AM

    Me interesa crear algunos formularios y despues cargarlos a mi pagina pero sin el footer, que pasa cuando se termine el mes de mi paquete bronze ? 

    ¿mis formularios ya no apareceran?¿oh seguiran funcionando normal en mis paginas?

    Replied on January 5, 2018 at 7:26 AM

    Yes you can buy package for any period you need to have the paid plan. However kindly note that once your subscription expires and you fail to renew your plan will be downgraded to Free plan and Free plan limitations will be applied to you account. Your forms will still remain intact but features like submissions, form views will be affected.

    Below is a link to features of different packages:

    Below is a guide on account usage and limits: