Would like to provide a web link on form with additional info ....not sure how to embed and possibly open in a new window.

  • busalacr
    Asked on January 11, 2018 at 11:04 AM
  • Adrian
    Replied on January 11, 2018 at 12:15 PM

    1515690868linkkkkkkk Screenshot 20

    1. Add a Text Field to your form.

    2. Type in anything on the field upon your discretion

    e.g. Click this link for more information

    3. Select and highlight the text that will hold the link

    4. Click the INSERT / EDIT LINK icon on the toolbar

    5. Paste the URL on the modal popup

    6. Click OK to save the link

    7. And don't forget to click the SAVE button

    05 06 2017 1494011631 Screenshot 31

    The result would look something like this:

    Would like to provide a web link on form with additional info  Screenshot 42

    Let us know if you have further questions.