Populate thank you page with information from the fields.

  • DES_Helpdesk_Forms
    Asked on January 18, 2018 at 2:30 PM

    When a client fills out our forms I would like the information they filled out to populate into the thank you form so they can print that out for their records.

    I turned on "Send Post Data to thank you page" but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm not sure if there is somewhere else I can turn this feature on.

  • DES_Helpdesk_Forms
    Replied on January 18, 2018 at 2:57 PM

     I was able to just use the PDF download in the thank you page that allows the client to download the submission. This will work well enough.

  • VictoriaKondratenko
    Replied on January 18, 2018 at 3:31 PM

    You should also specify the format the data is shown on your "Thank You" page. I've made an example for you. 

    You can just copy the titles of your form elements and add form fields in { }


    1516307791post3 Screenshot 10

  • Richie JotForm Support
    Replied on January 18, 2018 at 4:10 PM

    Good to know, you have found a work around.

    In addition, send post data usually is used to transfer data to a database or display a custom thank you page using PHP.

    Here is a related article you can check. -How-to-Post-Submission-Data-to-Thank-You-Page#_

    Please let us know if you need further assistance.