How can I create multiple columns of text in a text element?

  • hoskinsc
    Asked on February 27, 2018 at 5:55 PM

    I am trying to recreate the instructions section of the following document in jotform...

    So far I have been unable to find any way to recreate the 3 columns of text.  Any help would be appreciated

  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 27, 2018 at 8:23 PM

    It's not possible to do that with the editor, but you may achieving adding the text with some HTML tags to the source code of the text element. 

    How can I create multiple columns of text in a text element? Image 10

    Once there, paste the following HTML code, replace the "Text here" with your text: 

    <div id="container">

      <p> Text Here </span>

      <p> Text Here </span>

      <p> Text Here </span>


    Then inject the following CSS code to your form:

    [ data-type="control_text"] #container p {

        width: 30%; 

        display: inline-block;

        margin-left: 2%;


    This guide will help you injecting it: 

    Here's an example: 

    Feel free to clone my form: 

    I hope this helps.