Merge Accounts

  • balancedhabitsnj
    Asked on March 18, 2018 at 4:43 PM

    I have two free accounts and I am thinking of merging all my business activities under one company. How can I merge my 2 accounts under one?

    Thank you.

  • jonathan
    Replied on March 18, 2018 at 5:52 PM

    I assume the other FREE account/username is Kokoch  Can you please confirm also that this the other account?

    To merge accounts, you just need to transfer the forms of the other account to the one account you prefer to keep. We can do the transfer for you.

    BUT do take note of the account usage/limits. Since both accounts were under the FREE plan, each can only have max of 5 Forms under the account. If forms will be transferred between the accounts, the one account that will be used will exceed the number of forms limit the account can have.

    It will disable the forms under the account.

    I suggest upgrading an account first to higher plan if you need to have an account that can hold more forms.