Populate form fields with google spreadsheet data using conditions

  • bestrada
    Asked on October 5, 2018 at 4:06 PM


    Is it possible based on their drop down selection I'd like the second page to generate a row of a google spreadsheet they can scroll through and review.

    Example: If the user selects "option 5" from the drop down on page 1, then on the second page a scroll box would show row 1 & 5 columns A-X, from a google sheet I have in my documents.

    Thanks in advanced!

  • jonathan
    Replied on October 5, 2018 at 6:34 PM

    You can achieve this using Show/Hide or Skip to Page Conditions.

    But do take note that you can only use the embedded spreadsheet with the static data. 


    1. Create the google spreadsheet view with the View Data pre selected already. You must create multiple version of the View form in your google spreadsheet.

    2. You can embed the multiple google spreadsheet view in your form.

    User guide: How to embed Spreadsheet in your form

    3. Using Conditions, you can show/hide the embedded google spreadsheet base on the answer or selected option from the Dropdown.

    User guide: https://www.jotform.com/help/350-How-to-Skip-Pages-Using-Conditional-Logic