Is it possible to create a form for Tech inventory checkout/ checkin?

  • workability
    Asked on January 24, 2019 at 7:51 PM


    Is it possible to create a form for inventory checkout and then be able to update that same form data when the inventory item is checked back in? For example, I check out a laptop and a hot spot--I fill out the form to check it out. When I am checking it back in I return to the form and enter the return date and time. Is this possible without having to click on the "Edit this form" at the bottom of an email? I also have data from another form going to a Google spreadsheet and I believe it has the "Edit this form" in the last cell of the spreadsheet for each submission?? What would be the least complicated way to do it? Do you get what I am trying to do?

  • Donald_H
    Replied on January 24, 2019 at 9:44 PM

    Unfortunately, this is not possible, the simplest way to do it is as you mentioned above, having the Edit Link within the Email that allows users to update the form to add a return date for the item they have taken out. 

    A workaround is as follows;

    1. Create 2 forms, 1 for taking out an item and another for returning the item.

    2. Pass data from the first form to the second. The second form could be a copy of the first only adding a return date and other information you wish to collect on return. You can then Email the user the generated link or add it to the form and ask them to copy it.

    3. Hide all the fields to which data is received from the first form on the second form, this way the data gets added without the user filling those fields, or knowing they are on the second form as well.

    4. Copy the data from the hidden fields onto a text field to show the user the information related to the item they borrowed on the second form.

    5. Keep the checkout date/return date displayed so the user can input the date and submit the form.

    Using the setup above, you will have complete submissions in the second form showing all the data related to an item being taken out and checked back in.

    This means when an item goes full circle and is taken and returned, it appears in the submissions of the second form.

    The submissions of the first form will show both items that are out and those that have been returned.