Is it possible to make questions read-only based on a condition?

  • Worksite
    Asked on February 14, 2019 at 1:57 PM

    We're trying to create an external workflow approval type of form. I'll explain what I'm looking for and then if you have any suggestions on how to make this work, please let me know.


    1. Manager opens form, selects manager option in dropdown.

    2. Manager fills out evaluation form (evaluating worker)

    3. Upon submit, the form is then emailed to the worker

    4. The worker then views the form (but cannot edit) and signs off on manager's evaluation submission

    Questions here:

    1. Is there a way to make the submission read-only for the worker and then they can only add their signature/fill out their info in the "worker information" section at the bottom?

    If not....

    2. Is there a way to make most of the form "read-only" if they select their position as "worker" in the dropdown menu? 

    Here is the form we're working on:

  • AndrewHag
    Replied on February 14, 2019 at 3:49 PM

    If you want to disable the fields from workers, then you can achieve this using Conditions. But, you've to select each question and disable the field from the worker.

    Go to, Conditions > Enable/Require Field.

    1550176820chrome k1AaMte2jR Screenshot 10

    The add the condition shown in the screenshot below. You can select more fields by clicking on the "+" sign.

    1550176995chrome EUEPhpjEaP Screenshot 21

    Here is the form with the condition:

    Reference guide: