How to add google adwords conversion to my form?

  • chantelleripley
    Asked on October 26, 2019 at 12:29 AM

    I created a form. but i need to add another field to it to collect the

    ?gclid unique tracking # from google adwords traffic, 

    what type of element would i put on the form. and what other settings do i

    need (hidden, field name or ??? ) need to be walked through this if possible. thx.

    2nd question. i'm using a shopify store setup. and the front page of shopify doesn't really have anywhere to EASILY add a form. I'd rather have the form i built

    permanently on the website, in a narrow collumn on the right. maybe even fixed and then the front page of website scrolls under it, or they can 'x' out of it on the right if they don't want to ill it out, or bring it back if they do want to fill it out.

    i know that i can edit the Theme.liquid in shopify, but i'm not positive if any of the embedded code options would achieve what i am looking for? Can you help?

    as of tonight. i put the code in my liquid.theme so i could have the button on the left center of the site, and it is also on an actual Request Quote 'page' as well.

    but i'm losing leads, because my new shopify site doesn't have the quote form on the landing page as soon as they hit it.

  • jherwin
    Replied on October 26, 2019 at 4:21 AM

    First Question:

    If you are referring to Google adwords conversion, please refer to this related thread for the solution provided by my colleague:

    Second Question:

    Considering that your other concern is about another topic, I have moved it to a new thread to avoid confusion.

    Please refer to that thread for any related questions and/or follow-ups.