How to allow users to select more than one option while selling subscriptions?

  • rbrikina
    Asked on June 2, 2020 at 7:10 PM
    Is there a different way to create what i am looking for?
  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 2, 2020 at 7:28 PM

    I have been working on a workaround for what you're looking for, this seems to be possible using the "form calculation" feature and using the PayPal Standard integration. 

    PayPal Standard allows to set up subscriptions to take the amount from a calculation so you can set up the subscriptions using a check box, ask for quantities and then get a final total that you can pass to the payment field. I've created a demo form that has all the subscriptions options your form has plus the quantity fields, note that you can decide to use the quantity field only with some subscriptions. 

    You can see my form here:

    It's also possible to hide fields such as the quantity fields and only show them when the corresponding subscription is selected, this guide will help you to do so: 

    You will find the option to get the subscription price from a calculation while setting up the subscription:

    15911402852020 06 02 17h24 08 Screenshot 10

    Note that you first should create all the calculation process.

    Also, this guide will provide you more details about how to perform calculations on your form: 

    You may also clone and inspect my sample form, this guide will help you to do so:

    Kindly give it a try and let us know if you have any questions. 

  • rbrikina
    Replied on June 3, 2020 at 3:28 AM
    Hello Kevin,
    Thank you so much for all your help! It's really appreciated! I am almost
    done putting in all calculations but still cant seem to get it to work.
    Please help!
    1. For Student Learning and 5th grade donation can we give an option of
    either 1 time pay, 2 payments or 3 payments?
    2. For the Annual Giving Fund (Lions Den, Pride, Roar) My calculation are
    not adding up in the total at the end. We want people s to choose one of
    those options.
    3. White Oak Cares Fund - Any amount you can donate. (how do i enter this
    correctly)? Also in the preview its coming up as the next question.
    4. Is it possible to figure out 3% of the total amount and give people a
    chose to pay it or other amount that they would like to donate to cover
    processing fees?
    Here is the link to the new form:
    Again thank you for all you help!
  • rbrikina
    Replied on June 3, 2020 at 3:28 AM
    Most importantly, how do i add the paypal account now?
  • jonathan
    Replied on June 3, 2020 at 6:58 AM

    I checked your form and I noted that you have not yet set the calculations for Total Subscription.

    1591181853zzz 2020 06 03 18 Screenshot 10

    This was the reason there was no grand total result for the Subscription Total.

    Please update the calculation first as needed.

    Let us know how it goes.

  • rbrikina
    Replied on June 3, 2020 at 12:28 PM
    I tried but I must have got the calculations wrong 🤦‍♀️
  • rbrikina
    Replied on June 3, 2020 at 2:28 PM
    Thank you so much for all your help! It's really appreciated! I am almost
    done putting in all calculations but still can't seem to get it to work.
    Please help!
    1. For Student Learning and 5th grade donation can we give an option of
    either 1 time pay, 2 payments or 3 payments?
    2. For the Annual Giving Fund (Lions Den, Pride, Roar) My calculation are
    not adding up in the total at the end. We want people to choose one of
    those options.
    3. White Oak Cares Fund - Any amount you can donate. (how do i enter this
    correctly)? Also in the preview its coming up as the next question.
    4. Is it possible to figure out 3% of the total amount and give people a
    chose to pay it or other amount that they would like to donate to cover
    processing fees?
    5. How do I attach the paypal account?
    Here is the link to the new form:
    Again thank you for all you help!
  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 3, 2020 at 2:57 PM

    1. You can do this; however, this will involve the payment field again and this will not work with your other request about allowing users to select multiple subscriptions. As explained on the original ticket where you have opened, it's not possible to allow purchasing multiple subscriptions at the same time and the workaround is also limited to what I've explained, it will only work with one subscription type. 

    2. Performing a test it seems like your calculations are working as expected, note that besides selecting the subscription the user must also enter, at least, 1 as quantity. Here is an example of my test:

    How to allow users to select more than one option while selling subscriptions?  Image 10

    3. I'm not sure where do you want to add this; however, if you're using the Form Calculation widget, you may simply open the widget wizard and include this field, as this has different options it's only needed to add it, once the users select the options they will sum up to the calculation, you may refer to the guide about "How to perform calculations" in order to get details about including fields on the calculations, kindly give it a try so you see how it works. 

    4. Yes, here is an idea about how this can be done: 

    - First add a field to your form that you may label as "discount" then add a check box to your form where you will ask the user if they want to include the 3% or a custom amount. 

    - Then set up a condition that will calculate the 3% according to the user selection, with the condition you can insert the result in the text box field "discount", if the user chooses a different amount then no condition is required, this guide will provide you more steps about setting up calculations based on conditions:

    - The last step is to simply include the "discount" in your calculation widget where you're currently calculating the total. Note that on the calculation widget the same math logic applies, so if you already have a formula there, you need to add the discount like this: (field1 + field2 + field3) - discount

    Basically, envelop the current formula between parenthesis and add the "- discount". 

    5. You already have added PayPal Standard to your form, it's the field labeled as "Payment":

    15912103732020 06 03 12h52 15 Screenshot 21

    As already explained on your original ticket this integration does not show a PayPal payment button on the form, instead, upon the submission the user is redirected to the PayPal payment page. 

    If you have more questions, let us know. 

  • rbrikina
    Replied on June 4, 2020 at 7:28 PM
    So I put the form together and finalized the form. Is it possible to have a
    monthly payment charge and a one time charge? Please see the attached form
    and let me know. Thank you so much for your help! Also, how do I attach my
    paypal account to this form?
  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 4, 2020 at 8:38 PM

    So I put the form together and finalized the form. Is it possible to have a

    monthly payment charge and a one time charge?

    No, unfortunately, there is no workaround for this. 

    Also, how do I attach my

    paypal account to this form?

    Please check my previous response to this question on this same ticket:

    5. You already have added PayPal Standard to your form, it's the field labeled as "Payment":

    15912103732020 06 03 12h52 15 Screenshot 10

    As already explained on your original ticket this integration does not show a PayPal payment button on the form, instead, upon the submission the user is redirected to the PayPal payment page.