Is there a way to not have the text that is in the red box print on the PDF?

  • LewisDawes
    Fecha de consulta 12 de julio de 2020, 18:47
    1. See the attached sample PDF printout of an order. Is there a way to not
    have the text that is in the red box print on the PDF? When orders come in
    I'll need to print them out and if the area in the red box prints it make
    the order be on 2 pages not 1 page.
  • David Jotform Support Manager
    Fecha de respuesta 12 de julio de 2020, 18:51

    Hi, your image did not post correctly. Please upload it as shown on this guide:

    Also, please specify what the form in question is, so we can take a look.

  • LewisDawes
    Fecha de respuesta 12 de julio de 2020, 18:58

    Test - Theta ABC Univ Trunk Show Bill Highway Order Form1594594680order printout Page 1 Screenshot 10

  • Girish Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 12 de julio de 2020, 22:28


    The text field is not a fillable field and will appear by default on the PDF. You can delete it manually from the PDF Editor, so that it does not appear on the PDF document.

    15946072721307 7 Screenshot 10

    You can select the field and click on the delete icon as shown above. Then the text field won't appear on your PDF documents.

  • LewisDawes
    Fecha de respuesta 13 de julio de 2020, 11:28
    Thanks for your response. I'm not 100% following you. Are you saying I
    would delete the text from the PDF editor but it would stay on the online
    form? If so would I do this right before I printed it or at any time?
  • Sam_G
    Fecha de respuesta 13 de julio de 2020, 12:53

    Hi LewisDawes,

    Yes, that's right. You need to delete the text from the PDF Editor but the data would still be available on the online form.

    You need to do it only one time, once it has been deleted from the PDF document, it won't show on the next attachment.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.

  • LewisDawes
    Fecha de respuesta 13 de julio de 2020, 15:28
    Thanks! I'll try that in a bit and let you know if I have any problems.
    Another question, sorry for so many!
    Is there a way on the form that
    people can mark with they buy so other's can see what other people have
    bought. So for example, on each product, we would have something that
    people could check (or it could be done automatically) that says it was
    bought. Then when people are looking at the products on the form, each
    product would show how many times it's been bought?

    If you don't have something that does that could, d
    o you have a way to add
    a product review for each product that we could edit that might be able to
    do something like this?
    Thanks so much for all of your help!

  • David Jotform Support Manager
    Fecha de respuesta 13 de julio de 2020, 16:42

    Your new questions will be addressed in separate tickets:

  • LewisDawes
    Fecha de respuesta 8 de agosto de 2020, 14:28
    Quick question, if I would like to have a youtube video like on each
    product I have is there a way to do that?
    Thank you!

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Fecha de respuesta 8 de agosto de 2020, 16:48

    The other question is moved to a separate ticket and shall be addressed there shortly.
