Change date format to Australian date format for dropbox integration

  • gleninneswaste
    Asked on February 24, 2021 at 12:58 AM
    I have set this up to use a date picker field as the pdf name but it is using American Syntax EG "mm-dd-yy.pdf"

    Is it possible to change this to Australian EG "dd-mm-yy.pdf"

    or better still customise it to be reverse dated - EG "yy-mm-dd.pdf"



  • Rehan Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 24, 2021 at 1:08 AM


    You can change the format of the Date Picket field in your form.

    1614146854 6035ed26597b6  Screenshot 10

    Here is how it will appear in Dropbox.

    1614146882 6035ed421a116  Screenshot 21

    Should you have any other concerns then please let us know.
