how to change the text that shows up in the text field when you select the "Other" option. Right now that text reads "please type another option here

  • lucnelson
    Asked on April 1, 2021 at 9:22 PM
    how to change the text that shows up in the text field when you select the "Other" option. Right now that text reads "please type another option here". That wording could be confusing for the individual filling out the form. How would I go about changing that text?
  • Sigit JotForm Support
    Replied on April 1, 2021 at 9:41 PM


    If I understand it correctly, depends on the form owner needs, it is not always necessary that "Other" option to show the message "Please type another option here" 

    1617326955 6066736b69b15  Screenshot 10

    If you are referring to hide the input text box and so that it will not show the message "Please type another option here", than you can try using custom CSS, by targeting the "other" option field id and make it hidden.

    Find field(s) id

    1617327137 60667421a38ce  Screenshot 21

    1617327265 606674a137c16  Screenshot 32

    Inject custom CSS on form

    1617327470 6066756eda9eb  Screenshot 43

    #input_3, #other_3_input {
     visibility: hidden;
     height: 0px;

    On live form:

    1617327565 606675cdb443d  Screenshot 54

    I hope that helps. Please give it a try.

    If I misunderstood your question, let us know and kindly provide us more details.

    Thank you. Regards.