We have different length of telephonenumers in our area codes and fixed

  • Polio Tulpen Aktion 2021
    Asked on September 7, 2021 at 10:35 PM

    We have different length of telephonenumers in our area codes and fixed lines, as well as cell phones. is there a way to setup numbers with a minimum and maximum lenght?

  • egemen
    Replied on September 8, 2021 at 8:56 AM

    Thank you for contacting support,

    Unfortunately minimum and maximum length checks are not supported in Phone Number element. Short Text element only has maximum length check. Long Text element has both minimum and maximum length checks, so we can configure that as a phone number field.

    1. Add a new Long Text element to your form.
    2. Open its properties and move to OPTIONS tab. Enable Entry Limits. Add your desired minimum and maximum length and select “Letters” from the dropdown next to them.
    3. On the bottom of the properties, change Validation property to “Numeric” so that users can only type numbers in the field.
    4. Finally change the height of the field to 40px so it looks like a regular single-line input.

    You can use the screencast below as a guide:

    Ge0ZfbF91RNpoqiX9gLV85M9ZBfb94GnZ2j8w0wR Screenshot 10