How to add the corresponding "variable field name" to the source field name?

  • Frans Suwardi
    Asked on February 28, 2022 at 9:13 AM

    In the example, we need to know the value which then manually enter after the = sign, i.e., fullName[first]=John&fullName[last]=Doe in this example we manually enter "John" for fullName(first) name field and "Doe" for fullName(last).
    My reach out question;
    How to put not the value or the source but the corresponding "variable field name" instead, of the source field name. By doing this if we change the value we can still use the post data parameters.
    I am looking forward to hear from Jotform Technical Support my question.
    Thank you.

  • Dragana_R Jotform Support
    Replied on February 28, 2022 at 9:41 AM

    Hi, Frans!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    How to put not the value or the source but the corresponding "variable field name" instead of the source field name.

    Could you please elaborate on your question by adding more details and sharing a screenshot to assist you accordingly? Thank you!

    We look forward to your response.

  • adalyses
    Replied on March 19, 2022 at 6:28 PM

    Hello! This wasn't my question, but I believe I know what the original poster meant (and have a similar question).

    According to Jotform's original example, we need to input something like this into the URL in order to prepopulate the form: fullName[first]=John&fullName[last]=Doe

    This is a great and very valuable feature! But it only works if we already know the user's name. Instead, what I think would be more useful is to use variables/custom fields. We see this pretty often in email products like MailChimp or SendGrid; instead of having to send emails one at a time, users will instead use a {name} variable, and the variable will be replaced with each recipient's name. In other words, "Hello {name}" will turn into "Hello Sarah," or "Hello Luis", depending on who the email is sent to.

    What I think would be useful (if it doesn't already exist) is to add the same functionality to the pre-population widget. That way, we wouldn't need to create a custom URL for each recipient--and if the recipient ever updates their information (for example, if their last name or email changes), the value of the variable will also update.

    We could instead send something like this:

    It may be that this functionality already exists and we just haven't located it yet! But any response would be appreciated :)

  • Harvey JotForm Support
    Replied on March 19, 2022 at 11:05 PM

    Hello @adalyses,

    I have moved your concern into a different thread, We will be assisting you through there.

    Thank you.