Distorted "required" notice upon imbed in website

  • TonerCarAOLcom
    Asked on July 12, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    I have made several modifications to the JotForm "required" template by injecting CSS. The appearance of the form as well as the way it works upon preview in JotForm is nearly perfect (I still need to complete a few details by injecting some CSS). However, after I imbedded it into my website, previewed it in my browser (Chrome) and tested how it worked (in the browser), it appeared completely distorted. I have attached screen shots of how it appears (satisfactorily) in JotForm preview and how it appears as a preview in my browser. Any suggestions? The form is JotForm number 41856730498163. Please feel free to view it. I have also attached two screen shots: one of how it appears in JotForm preview and the other of how it appears in Chrome preview. Thanks for all your help.


    Peter Cavanagh

    Jotform Thread 402596 Screenshot
  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on July 12, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    Hi Peter,

    I think you are using the source codes and the validation had stop working on the form view or you are using the default Javascript Method and the validation had stop working due to a possibel script conflict. When you submit, the error appears on the second page and that's the current screenshot attached to this thread.

    I would advise to re-embed your form using our iFrame method: http://www.jotform.com/help/148-Getting-the-Form-iFrame-Code. That should resolve the issue with the next page showing the required fields.


  • TonerCarAOLcom
    Replied on July 12, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    Hi Welvin,

    Applying the iFrame method of embedding worked perfectly! It also resolved another issue: the standard embed method caused part of the form to load very slowly. With iFrame, it loads the same as the web page. This form is pretty much in final form. Your support has been invaluable and it is a pleasure working with competent professionals. I have three more forms to construct but I have learned so much on this first one that can be applied to those. Thanks again for your invaluable assistance.

