If I set up a Change Email Recipient conditiona logic, will it send my second created notification email?

    Asked on August 15, 2023 at 2:35 PM

    I have my form set up so one email address is sent a notification email with a PDF whenever the form is submitted.

    I want to set it up so if a certain answer is submitted for a certain question, that an additional email address will receive a different email including information from the form submission (no pdf needed) but in addition to the original notification email that is still sent to the primary address no matter what.

    If I set up conditional logic as shown above, will it send that second email *instead of* or *in addition to* the first email? I ask because the conditional logic format is "CHANGE email recipient" but what I really want is "add another email recipient/notification flow based on set condition"

  • Victorino_S JotForm Support
    Replied on August 15, 2023 at 5:26 PM

    Hi TERC IT,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. If you need to send emails conditionally, you can use the Change E-mail Recipient conditional logic. 

    To answer your question, if you have created a new Notification Email and assigned it to the Change E-mail Recipient conditional logic, it will only trigger if the conditions are met. So if the default Notification/Autoresponder Email is not assigned to any Change E-mail Recipient conditional logic, it will always send that notification email if the form is submitted. Check out my screencast below to see an example:

    If I set up a Change Email Recipient conditiona logic, will it send my second created notification email? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Let us know if you need any more help.