How can I get my selected PullDown entry into a another field?

  • harry325
    Asked on December 14, 2015 at 9:10 AM

    If I have 10 character entries in my pulldown list, how do I access the one (or multiple) that I selected in a "condition". The "calculation values" can only be numeric and I really don't see why you'd say - If "john smith" was item 5 then the condition would be "if item 5 selected then RESULT = John Smith". It would just be doubling the amount of typing and keeping track of which item number is which name.


    What I am trying to do is allow the user to select a name from a list on one page then present that name on the next page


    My form is for selecting Players from a list then posting scores beside their names on a subsequent page. And adding up a group of players to get a team score.

    The "data grid" and "spreadsheet" widgets seem to be no help at all.

    Also, I am a newbee at this but I just can't find any help on how to use the ID or NAME properties in conditions or anything. ie. your help and seardh option and very limited.


    Thanks for any help.




  • harry325
    Replied on December 14, 2015 at 11:51 AM

    I accidentally found the answer. In the condition there is a differnce between "calculate a fields value" and "copy a fields value". In the calculate you can select numeric or character, I missed that option.

    I still would like to know how to parse a fields value into multiple values though.

  • BJoanna
    Replied on December 14, 2015 at 1:58 PM

    Thank you for contacting us.

    If I understood you correctly you want to pass value from dropdown field to text box field. I can achieve that with conditional logic update /calculate field value. 

    How can I get my selected PullDown entry into a another field? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Then select your condition and set value of dropdown field to A-Z.

    How can I get my selected PullDown entry into a another field? Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Here is my demo form: 

    If you want to pass value to multiple fields than you would need to create multiple conditions.

    Hope this will help. Let us know if you need further assistance.