Does the autoresponder send a response to new and old form submissions?

  • THRIVE_association
    Asked on July 18, 2016 at 1:18 PM


    I have created a form which already has several submission and only discovered the autoreply function later. Will the autoreply also be sent to the people who have already submitted the form or only those who will submit it in the future?

    And if that is the case, how can I send an email to all people who already submitted before I set the autoreply without sending them one by one? cheers

  • KadeJM
    Replied on July 18, 2016 at 2:33 PM

    The autoresponder only currently functions to send a reply to those people that have currently filled out your form from now and into the future upon being enabled.

    And it does not send anything that was been received prior to the start of you using it.

    To work around that problem to have it reply to those whom have filled in your form previously they would either have to edit and update their submission (you could even do this for them in the submission viewer) if your form is set to allow them to edit it or refill in your form and submit a new submission to you again.

    Alternatively, you could send your own reply to the address you received in the email notification when you got a new submission if you kept those or you could reply directly to them via your submissions viewer but do note that the submissions viewer only allows you to send a few per hour to prevent abuse.

  • THRIVE_association
    Replied on July 19, 2016 at 12:38 PM

    Thanks a lot for the quick answer! Helps a lot.