Is it possible to update Appointment widget without updating all slots?

  • 19tommy69
    Asked on June 28, 2017 at 8:35 AM


    Can you tell me how to reset the times on the appointment slots wiget that is on the form.

    If I go in to it and change each time by 1 minutes it updates and makes slots available again but i'd like to keep same times. Is this possible to do ?

  • Nik_C
    Replied on June 28, 2017 at 10:04 AM

    Yes, it works like that because, for the widget, updated time means new appointment slot, so it will make it with maximum allowed selection.

    What exactly you would like to do? You need to change the time but to leave the available slots the same?

    Maybe we can provide you with a better way to do it.

    We'll wait for your response.

    Thank you!

  • 19tommy69
    Replied on June 28, 2017 at 10:43 AM
    I used this widget last year. If you look at it on the link i provided, you will see that I have the widget for Saturday and also for Sunday. Both of these have times with 7 minute intervals, 12:00, 12:07, 12:14, 12:21 and so on.
    As someone books a slot the time will become UNAVAILABLE, which is good.
    What I want to do now is simply to reset it so all the times are now AVAILABLE for this year. How do I do that ?
    Also if someone books one of the available slots and then wants to cancel, How do I amend this to make that particular slot available again ?
  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 28, 2017 at 1:51 PM

    There is not a current way to reset the slots in the widget, if you would need to set them as available again then you would need to update all the slots, your current slots have only 1 quantity available so if you would like to make them available then you may add the quantity right beside the slot name, example: 

    SATURDAY (12:00){2}

    You will add 2 since there was already one submission with that slot selected, do note that this needs to be done with all the slots in your widget. 

    Another option to make the slots available without adding the quantity on each slot would be deleting the submissions on your form, you could download them through an Excel or CSV file, you could even download all the data from your form at the same time. But, please, proceed with caution since this will delete the information from our database so this is why you would need to download your current submissions and make sure all is correct before to proceed deleting the data. 

    Here are some guides about downloading submissions that may help you:



    In case that you need to make a single slot available again, then you could simply delete the related submission, that will clear up the selection so someone else can choose it again. 

    If you have any question, please let us know.