how to share a google form without edit

  • Homer
    Asked on July 18, 2019 at 6:41 AM


    Can you tell me how I can send google forms to people without editing permission? This is pertaining to both changing form fields and submissions. It's an application form and I'm planning to collect signatures as well. Maybe I can eliminate forms manually with same signature but if there is a quicker way, I'd appreciate if you can tell me.  

  • seven
    Replied on July 18, 2019 at 6:59 AM


    You can check "Limit to 1 response" box in Google Forms but form submitters need to have a google account in the first place so that they can log in. However, you can't collect signatures on Google Forms. JotForm, on the other hand, offers various advanced feature which would exceed your expectations.

    First of all, when you share a from with form users - via email, social media or QR code -, they won't be able to change form questions. They can only access finished version of the form, therefore all they can do is to fill it out. In terms of preventing them editing their submissions, JotForm allows you to block multiple submissions by checking their cookies, IP, or both. To do that, please go Settings>Unique Submission>No, Check cookies only, Check cookies and IP. If you'd like them to edit their form submissions, you can always add an option to the autoresponder email. 

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    If you'd like to collect e-signature through forms, JotForm has many widgets that will allow form users to sign forms. These are in-built tools that will help you to create authentic signatures. You can see all of our signature widgets through Add Form Element>Widgets>Signature (i.e. DocuSign, Smooth Signature).

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    JotForm, which is the best alternative to Google Forms, offers many advanced feature that will ease your data collection process. In terms of editing, sharing and collecting signatures, JotForm outperforms Google Forms. I hope these explanations help you.

    Feel free to contact if you need any help.

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