Can I generate customized final screens?

  • Ifner
    Asked on November 26, 2022 at 12:27 PM


    I have a very specific function I would like to perform.

    I would like people to complete a complex form. Answers will be assigned values (example: my favorite color is [green] = 1).

    Values will then be used to calculate a variety of numerical results on the back end.

    I would then like to convert the numerical results on the back end, to display text results on the front end.

    I have included an example of the type of calculation that would be used. In my actual form there will be many different calculations and the results would display different answers to many different questions, not just different answers to one question.

    Can you please confirm whether this is something that your application can accomplish?

    Thank you.



    Q1: What is your favorite color? [values assigned: green = 1, red = 2]

    Q2: Do you like dogs? [values assigned: yes = 2, no = 0]

    BACKEND CALCULATIONS (these are necessarily how the calculations would be set up on the back end, just trying to show the type of logic I'll be using)

    Q1 + Q2 = [score]

    IF [score] = 1 THEN [answer] = "no dog"

    IF [score] = 2 THEN [answer] = "no dog"

    IF [score] = 3 THEN [answer] = "green dog"

    IF [score] = 4 THEN [answer] = "red dog"

    Results page formula: "You would like to own a [answer]."


    You would like to own a red dog.

  • Marina_V
    Replied on November 26, 2022 at 1:36 PM

    Hi Ifner,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I understand how important this is to you. The easiest way to accomplish what you are looking for would be to assign your options calculation value. Then total those field values in a calculation field.

    You can then use those totals to show your messages conditionally. 1669486866 63825912e1d1b 63825912e1cdc Screenshot 10

    Here is a test form that you can clone so you can test it yourself and check the back end calcualtion. You can edit them the way you want.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Ifner
    Replied on November 26, 2022 at 2:20 PM
    Thank you. So based on a calculated value, can I customize the final result
    screen? The numerical answer could be displayed as a text answer in the
    final screen?
  • Kris JotForm Support
    Replied on November 26, 2022 at 6:18 PM

    Hello Ifner,

    Thanks for getting back to Jotform Support. Yes, that can be possible. As my colleague mentioned, this can be achieved using the Single Choice element, the Form Calculation widget, and the Update/Calculate field condition.

    Follow the steps and screencasts provided below:

    • On the orange navigation toolbar, go to the Build settings.
    • Click on the Add Form Element from the left.
    • Under the Basic tab, add two Single Choice that will be your questionnaire. You will enable the Calculation Value for the options to have value.
    • Go to the Widgets tab and add the Form Calculation widget.
    • Add a Short Text field that will show the result.

    1669503625 63829a8952cc4 63829a8952c85 Screenshot 10

    • Click on the Magic Wand on the Form Calculation widget and add the calculation Question 1 + Question 2.
    • Go to the Settings tab and select Conditions.
    • Choose the Update/Calculate field and then add your conditions.

    1669504195 63829cc32a4b6 63829cc32a476 Screenshot 21

    • Go to the Thank You Page.
    • Edit the content.
    • Click on Add Field and select Result.
    • You can hide both the Form Calculation widget and the Short Text element on the form field.

    1669504680 63829ea8cb53a 63829ea8cb4fb Screenshot 32

    Give it a try and let us know if you have other questions

  • Ifner
    Replied on November 26, 2022 at 8:15 PM
    Great, thank you very much.