Refund Request Approval Process Template
No matter what you sell, not every customer will be satisfied with their purchase. Manage refund requests with our free Refund Request Approval Process Template. When a customer fills out your request refund form, this automated approval flow template will instantly notify the first approver to review the submission and move it to the next approver until the flow is complete. When a final decision is made, the customer will receive an automated email as to whether or not their request was approved.
Without coding, you can update this Refund Request Approval Process Template for your online store. Feel free to fully customize the attached request form, assign new approvers to the flow chart, set up new conditions, and more. As flow owner, you’ll be able to track statuses from any device and ensure that all steps are completed so no request falls through the cracks. Even if customers aren’t happy with their purchases, keep them happy with your business by responding fast with our Refund Request Approval Process Template.