Tutor Application Approval Process Template
Whether you need tutors for your tutoring company, your classroom, or your children, find them fast with our free Tutor Application Approval Process Template. When someone fills out your online tutor application, their submission will instantly be forwarded to a recruiter — or whoever you want — to approve, deny, or forward to the next person in the approval flow. Once a final decision is made, the applicant will receive an automated email informing them whether or not they’ve been accepted as a tutor.
You won’t need to take a class to customize your Tutor Application Approve Process Template. Using our drag-and-drop interface, you can assign more approvers to review applications, add workflow elements, set up notifications and conditional formatting, and more. Form owners will be able to track pending applications from any device, so every applicant gets a chance. Hire the perfect tutors quickly and seamlessly with an automated Tutor Application Approval Process Template!