How to Embed a Form to Duda Website Builder

October 29, 2024

Duda is the leading web design platform for companies that offer web design services to small businesses. The Duda platform enables users to build feature-rich, responsive websites at scale.

If you have a website with Duda and want to embed your form on a page, that is possible with just a few steps.

Youtube Embed Poster: bl_y6ORSnhQ

Getting the Embed Code

Follow these steps to copy the embed code for your Duda website:

  1. In Form Builder, click on Publish.
  2. Next, click on Platforms.
Platforms tab of Form Builder Publish tab in Jotform
  1. Then, select Duda. You can use the search bar to find it easily.
Duda publish option in Platforms tab of Form Builder in Jotform
  1. In the next screen, click on Copy Code.
Duda Copy Code button in Platforms tab of Form Builder in Jotform

Embedding the Form

Once you are logged in to your Duda account, open your site in the Duda Website Builder. To do so, simply click on the Edit button of your site in your Dashboard. Then, follow these steps to embed your form on your website:

  1. In Duda Website Builder, go to the page you want to embed your form.
  2. Then, click on Widgets in the left side menu.
Widgets button in Duda Website Builder
  1. In the Widgets menu, look for the HTML element. You can use the search bar to find it easily.
HTML element in the Widgets menu in Duda Website Builder
  1. Next, drag and drop the HTML element into a column in your website.
Insert HTML element into a Section column in Duda Website Builder
  1. In the HTML Content window, paste your form embed code and click on Update at the bottom.
Form embed code in the HTML Content window on the Duda Website Builder
  1. Click on the Publish button on the Website Builder to apply the changes to your website.
Publish button of the Duda Website Builder
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