How to Add a Server Wide Custom Sender Email by SMTP

January 2, 2024

As a Jotform Enterprise administrator, you’ll have complete control over your server. You can add and manage users, view and manage forms, and view logs — to name a few. You can also update your server settings, which include the option to add a server-wide custom sender email by SMTP. Your users can then use the custom sender email for their forms.

Adding the Custom Sender Email

Ensure you’re logged in to your Jotform enterprise account, and follow the below steps to add the custom sender email.

  1. Click your Profile Picture on the top-right side regardless of which page you’re currently viewing.
  2. Click Admin Console from the menu.
Admin Console option under the profile menu of the Jotform Enterprise server
  1. In Admin Console, go to the Settings tab.
  2. Under the Sender Email (SMTP) Configuration section at the bottom, click the Add Sender Email to open the popup for SMTP settings.
Settings tab of the Admin Console under the Jotform Enterprise server showing the Sender Email Configuration
  1. Provide the SMTP credentials as follows:
    • Email Address — This will be the email address that will appear in the Sender Email dropdown of your form email settings.
    • Host Name — Enter the hostname relative to the provided email address.
    • Port — Specify the port. The common ones are 465 for SSL, 587 for TLS, and 25 for Non-secure ports.
    • Username — Enter either the username or the same email address you provided above.
    • Password — The password for the given username/email address.
    • Security Protocol — Select the protocol paired with the chosen port.
Add Sender Email popup when clicking the Add New Sender option under the Settings tab of the Jotform Enterprise Admin Console
  1. We highly recommend checking if the credential works, so click the Test Email button. If it works, you should see the Successful message. Otherwise, you’ll get the error, and you should correct that.
  2. Click the Save Email button to add the Custom Sender Email finally.

Setting up the Options for the Server-Wide Sender Emails

Now that you’ve added the custom sender email let’s move into the individual checkboxes and radio buttons under the Server-Wide Sender Emails.

Show “noreply” email in sender email options

The Show “noreply” email in sender email options is locked and cannot be unchecked until you’ve added the custom sender email and selected it as a Primary Email. Below are screenshots that show the option being locked vs. unlocked.

"Show noreply@formresponse
Locked default sender, no primary email selected
"Show noreply@formresponse
Unlocked default sender, primary email selected

Below are also screenshots of the result in the Form Emails of the Enterprise Form Builder, locked vs. unchecked default sender email:

Sender Email with the default noreply email address
With the noreply email address
Sender Email without the default noreply email address
Without noreply email address

Let the users add new sender email addresses

When you allow your enterprise users to add a new sender email address on their forms, they should see the Add email address option from the Sender Email dropdown of their Form Email settings as shown below:

Add email address option of the Sender Email dropdown

Clicking the Add email address option displays the SMTP dropdown and boxes for the SMTP credentials, as shown in the above image.

Primary Email

The Primary Email is where you’ll find the custom sender email addresses you’ve added. Please be mindful of the following conditions:

  • The selected custom sender email will become the default email for all new forms created in your enterprise server.
  • The selected custom sender cannot be unchecked.
  • As mentioned above, selecting a primary email is required to uncheck the default “noreply” email option and hide it from the list of sender emails in forms.
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