Send respondents a PDF copy of the form

  • Upravlenie_kachestvo
    Asked on February 13, 2018 at 8:04 AM

    When I filled out the demo you have shown above I got a notification email but slightly different from the one I do when I fill out my forms. My questions is do the participants get an email with a PDF attachment if they do this type of forms I mean the ones they can save and continue later?

  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on February 13, 2018 at 9:56 AM

    The guide — How to Save Forms and Continue Later contains the instructions on how you can set up your form so that your respondents will be able to save their form and continue at a later time. An important part of the process is the link to the main form that contains the ?session parameter. The link can either be accessed from the form's Thank-You page or the email autoresponder that is sent to the respondents — Setting-Up-an-Autoresponder-Email

    Are you looking for a way to send your respondents a fillable PDF copy of your form that they can keep or save and fill up at a later time?

    If that is the case, you can create a PDF copy of the main form — How-to-Create-a-PDF-Form

    Then follow the instructions in this guide — How-to-Add-a-Downloadable-File-to-Your-Form and add the download link to the Fillable PDF copy of the main form in the email autoresponder content of the initial form. Once your respondents submit the initial form, they will have the link to download the Fillable PDF copy of the main form in the email autoresponder that they will receive.

    You may also find this guide helpful:


    I hope this helps. If, in any case, I have misunderstood your concern, please feel free to let us know and give us more details about your requirements.