Is it possible to get Auto Response with excel?

  • cmueller1233
    Asked on March 28, 2018 at 5:14 AM

    Is this ( still not possible ? Or is there a solution for having an out response form with a code from excel table one row by one row by now?

  • Victoria_K
    Replied on March 28, 2018 at 9:18 AM

    Unfortunately, there is no possible options to get pieces of information from excel documents for the purpose you described. But, I can suggest creating a Smart Form with the conditional logic set up. 


    If you could clarify the idea you are trying to implement, we could search for possible workarounds to get this ready.

  • cmueller1233
    Replied on March 28, 2018 at 11:29 AM

    I would like to have Form through which users can receive Codes, with whom they can get free samples of a Product. After they have entered their email and some other Information. Users should get a Response with one unique Code from a list. There should only be one Code per email-address/user. After all Codes have been used the Form should no longer be available.

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on March 28, 2018 at 12:47 PM

    In order to get a unique code for each user, you may consider using Unique ID widget on the form. Please refer to the guide below that can help you with setting up unique ID field on the form.

    Since you want to generate one ID for email address, you may set the email address as the unique question so that the form cannot be submitted again using the same email address. Also, you may limit the number of submissions on the form from the form settings.

    Hope this information helps! Please get back to us if you need any further assistance. We will be happy to help. 

  • cmueller1233
    Replied on March 29, 2018 at 2:44 AM

    The Codes to redeem a free Sample only consist of letters and would need to be stored and accessed by the form somehow. Is that possible? Im afraid unique ID's would not do.

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on March 29, 2018 at 7:06 AM

    The unique ID widget generates the number only after submitting the number and only alphabets is not possible with Unique ID widget. You may take a look at Random Value 
    Generator widget that allows to generate a value with only alphabets and check uniqueness.

    Let us know if that works. 

  • cmueller1233
    Replied on March 29, 2018 at 9:43 AM

    The codes are predetermined, there not to be random.

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on March 29, 2018 at 11:27 AM

    Unfortunately, generating continuous alphabet series is not available at this moment. Do you have the codes and data in an Excel sheet with user information? If so, the user may be provided with the code from Excel spreadsheet by using the Spreadsheet to Form widget. You may use the user's email address or phone number as the unique field. 

    Please refer the following guide that can help you with using this widget.

    Hope this information helps! 

  • cmueller1233
    Replied on April 3, 2018 at 4:35 AM

    The Excel sheet does not contain any user information, just the codes.  

  • Kiran Support Team Lead
    Replied on April 3, 2018 at 5:49 AM

    Unfortunately, it is required to have the user information in the Excel spreadsheet to fill the form fields. Could you confirm if a field can generate the alphabet based code on the form similar to Unique ID or Random value generator widgets? If so, we can forward the thread to our backend team as a feature request for evaluation.
