Contain link to inbox on autoresponder

  • Summer Souleyman
    Gefragt am 23. Oktober 2022 um 23:18

    I would like to use this to manage invoices approval within company
    Two things I have a question on
    1. When a user receives an email about a pending approval in their jotform inox, is there a way for the email to contain a link to that inbox

    . Can I make it so that once the approver click on the link to see the pending items in their jotform mailbox the approver only see the list of items pending in their own inbox rather than seeing everyone else's?
    Kindest Regards

    This is a re-post of a comment on How to Create an Approval Flow in Jotform

  • Sam_G
    Geantwortet am 24. Oktober 2022 um 01:52

    Hello Summer,

    Thank you for contacting Support.

    You can check this guide on how to share the inbox folder.

    You can add a hyperlink in the autoresponder email. In order to do that, please follow these steps:

    1) You need to open Autoresponder Email settings.

    2) You need to write your link into email content.

    3) You need to click on Insert/edit link button.

    Please, look at the following screencast on how to add a hyperlink in the autoresponder email:

    1555073625hyperlink Screenshot 10

    I have moved your other concern to ticket

    We will respond to it shortly.