How to Add a Cards View in Jotform Tables

June 21, 2024

A Cards view in Jotform Tables displays your form submissions in a grid layout. This allows you to view data on each submission quickly. You can also selectively display specific fields on each card to get a quick glimpse of the information you need.

A Cards view in Jotform Tables

To add a Cards view

  1. In Jotform Tables, select Add Tab at the top.
The Add Tab button in Jotform Tables
  1. In the dialog, select Cards.
Steps to create a Cards view in Jotform Tables
  1. Select Connect to Form.
Steps to create a Cards view in Jotform Tables
  1. Choose a form table to use.
Steps to create a Cards view in Jotform Tables
  1. Choose the fields to show on the cards, then select Create.
Steps to create a Cards view in Jotform Tables

Your Cards view is now ready to use. To change the displayed information on the cards, select View Settings or Fields in the upper-right corner.

The View Settings and Fields buttons in Jotform Tables

You can find more options in the tab menu.

The tab menu in Jotform Tables

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