How to Integrate With Mailchimp

April 15, 2024

Mailchimp is a great tool to send beautiful newsletters or announcements to your users and customers and it’s free for up to 2,000 subscribers. This guide shows how to connect your form to Mailchimp. Email is required in a Mailchimp list, remember to add an email field to your form.

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To integrate your form with Mailchimp

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Integrations on the left.
Steps  to access integrations in Jotform
  1. Search, select, and authenticate Mailchimp.
Steps to integrate Mailchimp with Jotform
  1. Configure your settings, then select Complete Integration at the bottom.
The Mailchimp configuration page in Jotform

Here are the available options:

  • Choose a List — Choose the list or audience to use.
  • Tags:
    • Static Tagging — Choose from your existing audience tags to apply to new contacts.
    • Dynamic Tagging — Use tags from one of your form fields.
  • Match Your Fields — Map your Mailchimp form fields to your Jotform form fields.
  • Send Contacts To Mailchimp:
    • Always — The entry will go to Mailchimp without conditions unless Send Opt-In Email is enabled.
    • Only if user agrees — Add a checkbox to your form to allow the users to choose if they want to be added to your contact list.
  • Update Existing Contact — Add the most recent data to a contact if the entry email already exists in Mailchimp.
  • Send Opt-In Email — The users will only be added to your contact list if they approve the confirmation email sent by Mailchimp.
  • Add existing contacts to Mailchimp — Send and add your existing form entries to Mailchimp. This option only appears if your form has existing submissions during the initial setup.
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